It’s possible to have contact without connection.
Are you pulling too tightly on the reins?
Are you holding on for dear life?
Or are you so afraid of showing up that your horse, your partner, doesn’t even know you’re there?
The reins, like words, are just the conduit for the conversation.
How you sit in the saddle is more important.
How much of yourself have you surrendered?
Do you trust your horse to carry you?
Are you breathing?  Are you listening?
When connection happens, your body knows.
There’s power there, given and received.
It can be a tentative, tenuous thing.
Elusive, exhilarating, overwhelming.
Sometimes, less is more. It’s easy to try too hard.
Don’t think too much.
Just allow. Let the energy flow.
Release, but don’t let go.
It’s possible to have contact without connection, but it’s impossible to have connection without contact.